Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wowza, it makes individual cups of coffee

There is this futuristic coffee machine at work with neon blue lights, it is spiffy. You put in little packets of whatever coffee flavour you can imagine and it brews you a cup. Now if only they had one for a cafe latte and I would be set...or do they already have one? hmmm.

I'm in week two of work.....I'm surviving so far. I hate changes, I hate having to start all over again and at times I have anxiety attacks over it.
Training was A LOT of information to process about the association, different memberships, different types of malpractice insurance, questions from international students etc. I'm still learning and apparently with renewal time coming up everything will change again.....I'm in for a shit show :S.
People here are super nice, very helpful and patient. I do miss HC though, I miss my colleagues and despite the insanity of the program, I didn't mind so much what I was doing.

I'm going out Wednesday with some friends from HC and some past colleagues who have moved onto other positions. It should be fun to catch up.

Thursday meeting a friend in Aylmer, Friday movie night, Saturday government test, Sunday is Dad's birthday. I should be purchasing the last few pieces of furniture I need this weekend as well.

I know I said I would not get into specifics on this blog, but in reality I'm just 1 out of 6,800,000,000. I'm sure there is someone far more interesting then me to read about.

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