Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice

What is summer without a lovely sun burn, I look like a robin. Pasty white with a bright red chest...I do not look like an idiot.....I swear
I still wonder how my ancestors faired since the 1600's in this environment. We burn, we are a buffet for the horse flies and mosquitoes, we hate the cold....I can go on and on. Those few drops of native blood must be our saving grace.....I'm pretty good with finding my way out of the woods...maybe I should go on Mantracker(it's a show... look it up)

Weekend was great, spent quite a bit of time outdoors(obviously) and kept myself busy. I find I need to keep my mind occupied lately just to prevent the stress and sadness from taking over. It can be over whelming when so many things have changed in such a short time and I'm only human. Though I'm good at hiding my feelings, I do break down sometimes when I'm alone.

Saturday was Dragon boats. A friend's hubby was participating so we decided to go and cheer him on. It looked like alot of fun, something I wouldn't mind trying. We spent the day watching the races, walking about, avoiding the downpour and taking in the UV.
Exhausted and burnt, I decided to go on a trip to St Eustache. Trinity was insanely happy; squealing like a pig, mauling me with kisses and trying to climb all over me.

Sunday; spent more money. There was a huge sale on baby stuff at Sears so I decided to buy a car seat/stroller for my best friend......I'm a big giver :P.
I also got more stuff for the house; a lamp, bed set and bathroom stuff.
I also took my mom out for her birthday...again another big hole in my wallet.

Plans for this week.
  • Lots of time at the gym
  • Painting the nursery and starting the mural(no longer the polar bear theme, now a farm theme instead...I will post pictures when it's done)
  • Final walk through for the house, find car and house insurance
  • Finally go to the Spa


  1. I love shopping for other people....drives me crazy but love it...we get severely burnt here in FL even with 100SPF on....I feel ya:)

  2. Shopping for others is dangerous, especially when I'm on a trip and I'm spending more money on gifts then on me lol. I would to be in Florida right now
