Melissa is the Founder of Raven's Healing Wings,a small buisness aiming to promote physical healing,as well as creating mental and spiritual balance.Melissa is a Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner, Therapeutic Touch healer(Krieger/Kunz Method)™ and Magnified Healing® Master Teacher.She enjoys working with devination; such as oracle cards, medicine cards and tarot.
Reiki: is an ancient healing modality that promotes relaxation, reduction in stress and removes bloackages of energy to re-establish a normal energy flow of ki (life force energy) throughout the system.This flow of energy in turn can enhance and accelerate the body's ability to heal itself.
Therapeutic touch™:is a contemporary interpretation of several ancient healing practices. These practices consist of learned skills for consciously directing or sensitively modulating human energies. The term TT may in fact be a misname because in practice the healer need not make physical contact with the patient (healee). Playing the role the healer the primary focus is the modulation of the healee’s energy field rather than the touch or manipulation of his or her skin.Uses of TT: · Newborn · Palliative care · Fractures and wound healing · Stress management · Pain control, chronic, acute migraines. · Anxiety and aggressive behavior · Fever reduction · Prenatal, labor · Asthma · Chemical withdrawal · Confusional states (Alzheimer) · Animals and even Plants.
Therapeutic Touch™ was developed by Dora Kunz a medical intuitive and clairvoyant (1904-1999) and Dolores Krieger (PhD. and RN), whose research on the dynamics of healing helped to lead the way for health care providers to apply healing on a physical, spiritual and mental level. Therapeutic Touch is being taught and practiced throughout the world. Courses have been taught at numerous universities and colleges throughout Canada and the United States. Therapeutic Touch begun to be accepted in policies and procedures of an increasing number of health care institutions world wide and as a nursing intervention in a number of Ontario hospitals.