Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pain in my back and a whole in my wallet

I'm sitting here is pain, high on meds with a therma patch on my back. I'm pissed that I can't enjoy the rest of my weekend, but what can I do. I pulled something in my back yesterday, I took some Tylenol and blew it off. When I woke up this morning the pain was worse, I popped some more Tylenol and went out. By lunch time I couldn't move, I couldn't bend forward or get up.....I wanted to go to the hospital.

My folks went to the pharmacy to get me a back brace, thermapatch, Tylenol back pain and rubbing lotion. I'm 29, you would think I was 50 the amount of stuff they got me, oh well I love them :)

Drove around Aylmer looking for some flooring centres, couldn't find anything. Again got lost, roads were closed again and so gave up for this weekend.

Instead I went and spent over 2000 on furniture at Leons. I got a new mattress, bed set, couch and love seat, coffee tables and a futon.

Still quite a lot to do, less then a month until I move :)


  1. Nice stuff....sorry to hear about your back. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Thanks. I think I attribute half of this baxck issue to me being out of shape. It feels better today
