Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to posting, because I don't care

Why waste time, emotion and energy anymore on the mundane. Why should I care about who is looking, who is not looking or what people think... It seems to pointless.

Life has taught me that time will consume your better days if you obsess about things that are just completely out of your control. I will proudly speak my mind, I have left to many things un said and I'm sick of regrets.

I want to let go of fear and just live. Be spontaneous from time to time, meet new people...oh god do I ever need to meet new people.
I'm so sick of the fair weather friends, those who bail on you when times get tough. Those who take advantage of your kindness, you can smell the reek of their fake-ness from a mile away.

I love friendships that are care free and low maintenance. If i want to hang out and watch a movie there is no pageantry that you have to put on. You can chat on the phone about completely random things, or not even talk for months and still have an effortless conversation.
I'm thankful to have one or two friends like this, but I wish there were more.

This seems to be a recurring theme in my life, make them and loose them. But this is what life is about, lessons learned and willingness to kepe trying.


  1. Agreed! If they aren't your friend when times are tough, you have a differing opinion, or you forget to send an e-mail, forget them. Probably why I only have a small handful of friends. Oh well.

    For what it's worth, I'm here for ya. Unless you start calling me or my pets names, then I may need to reconsider. ;-) Your furr babies are adorable, btw.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Kristen, I appreciate it. My furr babies make a crappy day a better one. They don't care how much money I make, how I look or if i'm crazy some days. As long as I give them a safe home, good food and love...they are happy. If only more people were like this lol.

    No worries about me bad mouthing you or your furr kiddies lol.
