Monday, July 12, 2010

Home owners club, day one and two!

I can now proudly say I'm now part of the homeowners club, as my friend Olgies would say:"Woot Woot!".

First of all I want to thank my supportive family and friends, you stood by while I struggled to find myself. You saw me fall more then once; were patient while I said I was ready to leave and even more patient with me when I decided to give it another chance. You were the first to lend a hand when I decided to take that very scary leap into the unknown and hugged me when I cried and fell apart. You never judged me or gave up on me like others may have, you loved me unconditionally no matter what...I love you all for this.

To those who judged me, did not believe I could better myself, go F@CK yourselves! You lost out on an amazing friendship and it is not my's yours. I'm thankful I saw through the bullshit.


After much anxiety and constantly watching the office door as I anticipated the courier's arrival, I finally had my keys. I did not officially have possession until the 10Th, but I could not resist sneaking a peek at the place. Thankfully no one was there and I was free to explore.

It felt a bit odd, I could not convince myself that this was mine...perhaps I'm still in denial.

Saturday morning my parents came and we started to work. Dad started re tiling the shower( there were two massive cracks in the wall), while mom and I scrubbed away at the grime. I was not at all surprised with how dirty everything was, but I've seen worse. We only did a small dent into what needs to be cleaned that day, but i was happy with the progress.

Sunday, power washed the front of the house(curtains of dead bugs thanks to the flood light) and painted the front door. Also puttied the holes for the painters. We were supposed to have three quotes Sunday, only one of the painters showed. We were pissed, but expected as much.
Just seems a lot to be done in such a short amount of time. Kitchen sink and faucet need to be replaced and the sink in the washroom. New floors installed tomorrow and the furniture is coming Wednesday. Thankfully while I'm here at work, my father is contacting painters. Everything has fallen into place, so I will keep manifesting. I have been very blessed and continue to be thankful.

I'm looking forward to next Saturday night when I can put my feet up, enjoy a nice glass of wine and feel at home officially.

Blessed be


  1. So very proud of you! This is has been a great year for you! New job, new house...:)

  2. Thamk you so much Kelly. This year has been good, looking forward to see what else comes about.
